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Public Complaints

Making a complaint - Process

Step 1:

  • Complete the following form:  APS Complaint Form.pdf
  • The signed, written form can be either brought at an A.P.S. detachment or can be sent directly to the Police Chief at the A.P.S. Administrative Headquarters.

Police Chief
Anishinabek Police Service Headquarters
1436 Hwy 17B
Garden River, ON P6A 6Z1

Step 2:

A written response will be sent to you acknowledging receipt of your complaint.

Step 3:

Investigation is conducted by the A.P.S. Professional Standards Officer.  Depending on the circumstances, copies of the complaint may be shared with the involved officer(s).

Six Month Time Limit for Accepting Complaint  –  Complaints will not be accepted after a six (6) month period, calculated from the date on which the conduct allegedly occurred or became known or ought to have been known by the complainant.  Serious complaints may be considered beyond the six (6) month period.

Please Note,

At any time during the process you have the option of withdrawing your complaint by writing to the police service informing them of your intentions.


Resolving the Complaint - Process


In the event that the investigation proves the allegations are substantiated the process moves to the resolution stage.  In the event the allegations are not substantiated, the complainant will be notified.

Resolution Stage


Less Serious Complaint

Efforts may be made to resolve less serious complaints through a mutually agreeable informal resolution. An informal resolution of a complaint is an option that is available at any time during the process.

Serious Complaint

  • Once the serious complaint has been substantiated, APS disciplines the officer consistent with the Ontario Police Services Act.
  • If the officer does not agree with the discipline, the matter goes to arbitration.
  • The arbitration process is presided over by an adjudicator external to the APS.
  • Complainants may be required to participate in the arbitration process.

Considerations for Discipline

Appropriate discipline is determined considering the following factors;

  • Public interest
  • Seriousness of the misconduct
  • Recognition of the seriousness of the misconduct (by the respondent)
  • Employment history
  • Need for deterrence
  • Ability to rehabilitate or reform the officer
  • Damage to the reputation of the force
  • Handicap or other relevant circumstances
  • Effects on the officer and his family
  • Management approach to the misconduct
  • Consistency of Penalty

Withdrawing a Complaint

At any time during the process you have the option of withdrawing your complaint by writing to the police service informing them of your intention to withdraw your complaint.